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Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver


 中華文化中心中文學校於1981開辧,是卑斯省內最具規模的 中文學校。 學校現有粤語 及國語班級超過300班,包括學前班,幼兒班, 小學部, 中學部及深造班等, 學校誠聘高質素的老師授課, 並採用厳謹的簡體與繁體教材。

The Chinese Cultural Centre Chinese School was established in 1981. We are currently running over 300 classes, conducted in Cantonese or Mandarin. Different levels for Pre-school, Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary and advanced studies are offered. The school employs highly qualified teachers and structured simplify and traditional course materials. We are the best organized Chinese school in British Columbia.

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