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Multi-Purpose Hall 大禮堂

Over 6,400 square feet, suitable for concerts, performances, and other gatherings.  Equipped with P.A. system and Hardwood floor stage.  Maximum seating capacity of 540. This venune has been used as [Vancouver Fashion Week], [Royal Thai Fest.] [Community Flea Market], [Seniors Xmas Party], [Furniture Show].
面積達6,400餘方呎, 可作音樂會,文藝匯演等用途,大禮堂更配有音响設備和木板舞台, 並可容納540觀眾​。曾在大禮堂辦過的節目包括:溫哥華時裝周,泰國節,藝術跳蚤市,長者慈善午膳,及大型傢具展。

Rental & Fee 場地租用

展覽廳 Exhibition Rooms

2 exhibition rooms connected by a hallway with 1,500 square feet of space.
​一道走廊把兩個展覽廳連結起來, 面積共​1500平方尺
Meeting & Conference Room 會議室

An excellent venue for meetings, press conferences, and seminars with about 990 square feet of space.
990餘方呎的面積, 適宜舉行會議、記者招待會和研討會等​
Classrooms 課室

20 classrooms with seating capacities ranging from 20 to 35, suitable for small lectures/meetings
本中心有20個課堂, 可供20人至35人之講座和會議之用
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